Stormy Cove

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Mystery and Murder in Newfoundland.

As a globe-trotting freelance photographer based in Vancouver, British Columbia, Lori Finning has seen just about everything. But when she lands an assignment on the barren, snow-swept island of Newfoundland, she finds herself in harsh and unfamiliar territory.

During the long, dreary winters in the isolated fishing community of Stormy Cove, gossiping is the primary pastime. So Lori is surprised when she learns of a crime the locals have spent twenty years not talking about: the strange, unsolved murder of a teenage girl. As she delves deeper into the village’s past, she’ll discover dark family secrets, unexplained crimes, and an undeniable attraction to Noah, a taciturn local fisherman who just might hold all the answers.

(Translated by Gerald Chapple, published by AmazonCrossing)

Read an excerpt.

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(available as paper back, e-book and audio-book)

Review in “The Coast Clarion”. Read here.

Quote: ” The author lives a few months every year in Newfoundland and has firsthand experience of people’s dependence on the sea and their down-to-earth way of life. “

Article in the “Northern Pen” newspaper. Read here.

Quote: “She also read excerpts from her novel “Stormy Cove” – a murder mystery set in a small Newfoundland fishing outport. The book was influenced by Calonego’s own experiences living on the Great Northern Peninsula, which she still does for a good portion of each year. “

Review on the internet. Read here.

Quote: ” Bernadette Calonego creates a delightfully unique thriller for us to get lost in and I can guarantee many moments in which the reader will be on the edge of their seats wondering what’s next and who the bad guy really is.”