Gibsons Night

Gibsons is small quaint town on the Sunshine Coast in British Columbia, where I am currently residing, and it has an impressive library. I had a reading event last year and was invited back this year.

I read from my murder mystery “The Stranger on the Ice” and showed slides of my adventurous trip from Dawson City to Inuvik and to the Arctic Ocean. I has become something like a tradition to have a slide show which is great because “The Stranger on the Ice” is set in Inuvik and Tuktoyaktuk.

There was a woman in the audience who used to live in this subarctic region for fourteen years! I would have loved to have an extensive chat with her but after a book reading, I`m so busy signing books and answering questions and posing for pictures. Maybe I can deploy one of my fictional detectives to find out who the lady is (smile).

Andrea Routley who organized the event. Thank you, Andrea!